before going any further, the cd of the year goes to ... sufjan stevens, for 'come on feel the illinoise!'
no big deal, in the scheme of things, means a lot around these parts tho. not much cracked the jaded veneer of the w'room this year, maybe spoon and billy and a few sneakers, not much else.
so, at any rate here are just a few fave tunes that got us thru this dismal year, all in all,
... and if ya started us talkin' 'bout the year in music, well ... we'll just give up the mp3s ... thru yousendit for a week or so:
sufjan stevens - jacksonville (from 'illinoise!')
spoon - the beast and dragon adored (from 'gimme fiction')
fiona apple - better version of me (from 'extrordinary machine')
john mayer trio - wait until tomorrow (from 'try!')
billy harvey - dope wings (from 'pie')
bob dylan - desolation row (alt take) (from 'no direction home : bootleg series 7')
we sure hope that the '6' is better than the '5', pahleezzz, at least music-wise ...
the billboard year-end charts
the about.com top whatever
pitchforks top 50 albums
npr's list, (closer to ours, somewhat, if we had one)
(and we'd do a top movie thingy, but darn if none of 'em stuck! ....)
and a step back ...
shades of the '80s!
... way back, about 20 years ago or so, tipper gore began her crusade about the evils of the demon rock and roll. and now it's another bored soccer mom with too much time on her hands and pitchin' a bitch about rock and roll 'noise'. i 'googled' 'noise' and found no reference to a 'noise' band outbreak, but she is making a stink of devil making music to anti-authoritarian rock bands like 'radiohead' 'sonic youth' and some other groups i never heard of, like merzbow and wolfeyes (tho from the looks of it she may be onto to something about the last two, guess we'll just 'limewire' 'em just to find out how harmful/useless they really are ... we always love to do things we are told not to!)
so, for the preservation of the pampered white, overfed, under-educated, lazy, game-fed american youth, we urge all mothers to join 'mothers against noise' today! i guess it's better to join the service than to make 'noise' ... and so it goes.
we love you guys! happy new year all, 'specially all our friends and family dealing with the daily hardships of picking up after katrina and rita. we can't wait to get home and are actively seeking ways to make it soon after justin's wedding, ahhh, a sure sign of rebirth. hang on ya'll!
I just picked up "Illinoise" a couple days ago. Wow, it is amazing, I'm not even sure how to describe it to other people. I'm kicking myself for having already put out my "best of" list.
Have a great new year, Sleepy!
Happy New Year to you and your whole family!!
Happy New Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
Happy New Year! You are so right about being happy to see this year end. I feel like I'm in a Judy Garland movie saying lines like this one: "Gosh, guys, things just gotta get better for us--they just gotta get better."
Oh man and I was thinking about a fun topic for you: Of Monk and Men. And you could write about all the fun songs that compare monkeys to man, the more obvious being Dave Bartholomew's "The Monkey" and Elvis Costello's recent "Monkey to Man," and XTC's "Smartest Monkeys", Springsteen's "Part Man Part Monkey" and The Beatles "Everybody's got something to hide" and I'm sure you know a LOT more than I do. Take it and run with it if you care.
Again, Happy New Year, and keep it fun!
Hap' New Ya' Bro.!!!
I'm bummed. I didn't download the 2'nd list of Christmas songs and now it's too late.
PS. Yesterday was my one year blogiversary. When did you start yours???
PS. CPG played in Tulare on NY Eve. Twelve people showed up. Chris got falling down f-ed up, and we only played half the gig. Our drummer of four months still doesn't know the songs very well, and though he has some tastey chops, his meter seems to drag often (starts fast, finishes slow). It was a crappy gig, though certainly not the worst I've played. There are two more gigs before I leave this project (did I forget to mention that I gave notice in Nov that I'm leaving the band). I'm glad this was not my last gig with CPG as I would like to leave on a high note.
Happy New Year Sleepy.
Hope you have a good one. We'll have to do a 1 year anniversary edition soon as I think you started up around the same time as me.
The Australian music scene this year was VIBRANT. An independent act, Missy Higgins picking up the ARIA (Aust,. Recording Industry Assoc.) award for best artist. Commercial radio is flogging her to death now, the indie stations played her a good year ago.
So a small win for artists over producers.
Youthgroup did well. These guys are rather good in a Go-Betweens way, melodic pop. The future is in good hands.
Wolfmother took out the JJJ best Oz release. These guys are good, sort of like Deep Purple with a really big 70's hard rock sound. Not bad for some early 20 somethings in a three piece. I reckon you'd like them.
I'm off to The Big Day Out in a few weeks. Lineup includes White Stripes, Franz Fernidad (sp?),Iggy & the Stooges, Henry Rollins, Youth Group, Wolfmother..... etc etc
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