sorry it's been so long between posts ya'll.
we've been busy making arrangements to drive down to metry at the end of october to haul a truck load of stuff for the wreckhouse relief effort. by then the place will be up and ready for my sis and her refugees. and we're more than ready for a good road trip ... before the beginning of the next donner-like winter in the high sierras ...
i used to drive back and forth across the country a few times each year during the 90's. bopping up and down back roads in a beat-up 24 foot ryder truck trying to avoid weigh stations and, dog willing, catching a tailwind on the downside of a moutain and getting up to 45 mph. it was a tough life, gettin' stuck driving around the country three times over w/ some smelly non-fun whacko you don't know, through blizzards, heat waves and hurricanes, sleeping on the side of the road when it was too late to find a room or getting to a gas station at 4 a.m. after running on fumes for 20 miles in the middle of the desert. jeesh, and to think i kinda miss all that now...
ah, the stories i could tell ...
... after about the 2nd year it was known around pace systems, (the place that employed me as a videographer/audio geek/monkeyboy/truck driver), that i had the 'happy truck'. i recieved numerous offers of money, drugs and wimmen for a chance to do the wonderful pace systems summer tour with your humble narrator. at least by then i got to choose my next enemy. i have thrown people out next to backwoods airports, gotten kicked out of hell-hole motels for having a room-mate that snored loud enuff to wake the dead and drove from orlando to chicago in one very long 20 hr drive coz the other had a hangover and threw-up out of the window all the way ...
this trip should be a little more pleasant ....
... i was annointed the music miester for all the shows, and would always have an ample amount of varied sounds to delight and astound. whilst traveling, the most abundant staple i could think to pack would be a lot of batteries for the boombox. the radio is a wasted artifact while driving across a major portion of america three times a year and a good supply of cds and batteries assure a peaceful drive, or at least a rockin' drive.
and of course, the kid always carries one or two volumes of car-tunes ...
... well, i need to update another cd of travelin' songs to get us to metry ... and the bitch is i was hoping never to fly again, (we gotta fly back, yecchh) ... i'll tell some horror stories about flying after we get back to 'the big little'.
some car-tunes that'll get us farther down the road (via yousendit):
cheap trick - magical mystery tour
buzzcocks - fast cars
neil young - roll another number (for the road)
bob dylan - highway 61 revisited (alternate take) from the bootleg series no. 7
little feat - willin'
jeff beck - freeway jam
well, this and a bunch of radio shows for the night driving ...
hahahaa, glad to have the boys from '... my wife'boppin' around to the 'cocks. and thanks for the heads up on the mp3s, i fixed it now, (that's what i get for posting a late nite drunk post)...
it should work good as used.
Road trip, too, for me and the wife - heading up DC way for the march. It's been many a year so I guess "I am a-marchin' some more" with apologies to P. Ochs. Weird, too, what with Rita bearing down on my friends on the TX coast. Still, gotta take a stand. Hope all goes well, M.A.
man, i would love to do a peace march, shoutin' slogans, singing songs and tryin' to get the man to do the right thing ... power to the people and all that. beats going back to metry just to clean up and leave again.
i am sitting here with fist raised in in unison w/ ya'll!
p.s. tell cindy hello for us!
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